Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Chocolate Jesus absolutely scandalous

I was waiting to see what they would think up for Easter. This year a bunch of Catholics have got all upset, over this.

It came as no real surprise to me.

So whats the big deal over a chocolate Jesus for Christ Sake (pun intended). Isn’t it a good way to promote Christianity to the young?

Kids like chocolate right?

So in the light of the cancellation of this exhibition of the sculpture 'My sweet Lord', should we not firmly grasp the nettle and ban the George Harrison song of the same name and demand that backdated royalties from 1971 be paid by his estate so that we could then distribute the resulting Gargantuan fund to assist all the spongers of this world in purcahsing Plasma screen TV's which they can use to further educate themselves by watching educational programmes and the News?

And who are the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights? Sounds like an undercover terrorist group masquerading as God fearing churchgoers to me. Heres what their spokesperson had to say:

"They would never dare do something similar with a chocolate statue of the Prophet Mohammed naked with his genitals exposed during Ramadan."

The mind boggles, I will never look at Mars bar in the same light again.

1 comment:

TotallyUn-Pc said...

Re "And who are the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights? Sounds like an undercover terrorist group masquerading as God fearing churchgoers to me."

Silly boa, your thinking of the 'Civil League for Catholic and Religious Rights!'